Java Programming Fundamentals


This learning track is a comprehensive program for learning the Java programming language for people who want to become software developers. It consists of three modules, each of which covers a range of important concepts and skills.


Interested learners can register for the entire learning track or for individual modules as desired.


  • Module 1: Java Basics: This module focuses on the fundamentals of Java, including the creation of programs with conditions, loops, functions, and classes, as well as the manipulation of files. This module has a total of 25 hours of instruction, delivered over 5 days.
  • Module 2: JavaFX and JavaFXML: This module builds on the foundations established in Module 1, introducing students to advanced concepts such as working with databases, developing console and desktop user interfaces using the PyQT5 library, and working on group projects. This module has a total of 20 hours of instruction, delivered over 5 days.
  • Module 3: Data Base and application: This module teaches students how to create and manipulate tables of data, including filtering and extracting data, and deleting it. This module also includes a final project in which students apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout the track. This module has a total of 20 hours of instruction, delivered over 5 days.


In total, this learning track includes 65 hours of instruction, covering a wide range of Java programming concepts and skills. Learners can register for the entire track or for individual modules as desired.

Java Basics

This module focuses on the fundamentals of Java, including the creation of programs with conditions, loops, functions, and classes, as well as the manipulation of files.


Please note that this course is the 1st of 3 modules of the Learning Track "JAVA PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS".

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JavaFX + JavaFXML

Learning how to master all the basics in JAVA programming language.


Please note that this course is the 2nd of 3 modules of the Learning Track "JAVA PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS".

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Data Base and application

Learning how to create tables of data and relate them together.


Please note that this course is the 3rd of 3 modules of the Learning Track "JAVA PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS".


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Sorry, the course is fully booked. If you are interested in getting notifications for available spots in case other participants cancel, please leave your name and email address below

SKU: 6879 Category:

Start date

February 20, 2023

End date

April 21, 2023

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)

English, French


Mr Francesco D'Amico



Learning Outcomes

This learning tracks covers all learning objectives of the individual modules:

  • The student will be able to create a program that is going to have a few conditions and loops, as well as to create his own functions and classes.
  • The student will also learn how to use files and gain the ability to create, delete, and edit them.
  • Learning the concepts of functions, classes, and modules and be able to work with them – ability to work with databases and to develop a console user interface – getting acquainted with PyQT5 library and creating desktop applications – working on group-projects.
  • Learning the concepts of splitting data into related tables, providing data, and filtering their extraction, while also being able to delete them and learn how to apply this knowledge concretely in several exercises, and in a final project where all the knowledge acquired during all the 3 modules will be put into an outcome.


This Learning Track has a total duration of 65 hours and takes place over several weeks:

Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE

Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




To fully benefit from this learning track, it is recommended that you have some basic familiarity with programming concepts and terminology. However, the course is likely designed to be accessible to learners with no previous programming experience and will cover the necessary foundational concepts as part of the curriculum. If you choose to take only the third module, you should have an advanced programming level in order to fully benefit from the course.

Additional Info


This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.

Esco Skills

Esco Occupations