Tutorial: Basics in Figma


Together with two coaches, this tutorial teaches participants the basics of operating Figma. Based on exercise files, the coaches will demonstrate using Figma on the screen, and the participants can practice the shown operations on the computers.

5 in stock

SKU: 17480 Category:

Start date

July 4, 2024

End date

July 9, 2024

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)

English, German, Luxembourgish, French


Dr. Björn Rohles, Thaksin Ratanahuang


Figma prototyping


Through various hands-on exercises, the participants will learn basic operations in Figma. The tutors Thaksin Ratanahuang and Björn Rohles will show the operations on the screen, and learners repeat them based on exercise files. Furthermore, the tutors are available for questions and answers.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • perform basic operations in Figma


This training has a total duration of 8 hours and takes place over 2 days:

  • 04-07-2024: 09:00 – 13:00
  • 09-07-2024: 12:00 – 16:00

Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




Participants need knowledge about UX (especially UX research and the role of prototyping) and visual design, for example from taking previous training. Furthermore, participants need to have a Figma account (free or paid version).

Additional Info


This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.

Esco Skills

create prototype of user experience solutions

Esco Occupations

user interface designer