The components of Business Intelligence (BI) / Data Analytics processes


This training focuses on providing a comprehensive overview of the essential components that make up Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analytics processes.

Join our training program to explore the vital components of Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analytics processes. Gain insights into data collection, warehousing, visualization, analysis, reporting, performance management, and advanced analytics techniques

Thanks to a theoretical presentation illustrated by specific cases, this course will allow you to understand in one day, the key BI factors helping managers to drive informed decision-making.

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SKU: 9929 Categories: ,

Start date

September 19, 2023

End date

September 19, 2023

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)

English, French


Axel Pierard


The course provides an overview of the components of Business Intelligence / Data Analytics process:

  • Data sources, Datawarehouse, Dimensions & facts, Cubes, Data Visualization
  • Interactive dashboards, static reports, mobile application
  • Data entry, integration with MS Office, alerting, application automation
  • Best practices


  • Understand the benefits of implementing a BI strategy
  • Be comfortable with Business Intelligence (BI) concepts and architecture (Data sources, Data Integration & Data Visualization)
  • Identify the key phases of the BI life-cycle
  • Identify the key technologies and key market players
  • Future trends of Data Analytics (Artificial Intelligence, predictive analysis, big data)

Learning Outcomes

  • Define how BI can help an organization better understand their performance and make better decisions
  • Identify the information involved in a BI project
  • Identify the technological architecture that makes up BI systems
  • Recognize key BI technologies
  • Learn what is Data Warehousing and how to use it
  • Discover best practices and pragmatic approaches


This training has a total duration of 6.5 hours and takes place over 1 day:


  • 19-09-2023: 09:00 – 16:30

Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




  • Basic database knowledge

Additional Info


This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.

Esco Skills

Esco Occupations

chief executive officer