Future of Banking – Service Design Workshop
28,00 €
The main goal of the workshop will be to show how Design Thinking and Futures Thinking methodologies can be used to respond to the changing world and needs in the banking sector.
The participants will understand the value of human-centered design for creating the excellent customer experience for their current and future clients. Using Service Design tools will help them to structure their strategic steps for client engagement,
on multiple touchpoints of the banking services.
The future of banking will look very different from today. Faced with a changing reality, new technologies and new business models, banks and other financial institutions have to rethink strategies that will help them prepare for banking in 2040.
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Start date
January 31, 2024
End date
January 31, 2024
Language(s) of the training
Languages spoken by the coach(es)
Piotr Gawel, Magdalena Jakubowska
- Customer excellence in banking- case study presentations
- Main drivers for customer excellence experience
- Customers view: spotting pains and gains with service design tools
- Detecting points for improvement on customer journey (touchpoints) for current and future clients
- Banking of tomorrow : what future scenarios we need to consider for new challenges – case studies and foresight for strategic planning
- Signals of change and trends- hands on analysis of trends impact and possibilities of development of new
services and products.
The workshop will offer the participants a deeper insight into the future of banking sector based on curiosity rather than fear. In first steps, the trainers will guide the participants through analysis of the current customer segments, their viewpoints and needs. Secondly, the potential future scenarios for banking sector will be presented and discussed:
- Trends and signals of change which could have an impact on the Banking Sector.
- Foresight Planning: “Future service for a future client”: matching the bank’s services with new realities in futures scenarios.
The participants will learn how to approach the future products and services with human-centered perspective. The training will combine input from trainers, case studies in small groups and individual work of the participants on cases of their bank.
Learning Outcomes
- understanding of value of human-centred design in banking sector (Service Design Thinking methodology)
- ability to apply Service Design tools like persona, customer journey map, empathy map, value proposition canva
- understanding of the Futures Thinking approach, especially scenarios thinking/creating
- ability to manage uncertainty with examples of concrete tools to be applied in banking sector
This training has a total duration of 7 hours and takes place over 1 day:
- 31-01-2024: 09:00 – 17:00
Format and Location
This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette
No prerequisites necessary
Additional Info
This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.
Esco Skills
teach customer service techniques, produce customised products, perform customer management, customer service, learn about customer service, use person-centred planning, forecast human population trends
Esco Occupations
relationship banking manager, banking products manager, product and services manager