Deep-Dive into Ethereum


The course will first describe how Ethereum smart contracts and DApps can be developed. This will involve Solidity, ERC20/721 and development tools as well as some DeFi applications. Then, we will discuss the motivations behind the Merge and what the Ethereum blockchain looks like before and after the Merge. We will conclude with a roadmap that includes projects to address MEV, scalability, and privacy issues, for instance, with zero-knowledge proofs.

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SKU: 4786 Category:

Start date

December 7, 2022

End date

December 7, 2022

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)

English, German


Johannes Sedlmeir


Getting an understanding of programmatical concepts in Ethereum, applications and stakeholders in the ecosystem, and broad innovations in Ethereum that may be relevant far beyond.

Learning Outcomes

See objective


Day 1/1:   07.12.2022   14:00 – 18:00

Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE

Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




Bitcoin, Blockchain motivation & architecture, proof of work, Merkle trees, basic programming

Additional Info

This training is offered in collaboration with Luxembourg Blockchain Lab.



This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.