Cryptography concepts, past and present
12,00 €
This course aims to give a general overview on the principles of cryptography and their history. The audience is anyone using technology today, i.e. everyone.
All beginner-friendly: this course does not use any computers, code, or mathematics.
This is a hands-on workshop using physical tools (pencil, paper, scissors, envelopes, locks) to show message scrambling techniques dating back to old Greece up to modern times.
The target audience are as well end user as management. Also IT specialists can follow the cours to get new ideas how to explain security concepts.
Note: This course does not cover the detailed working of blockchain or cryptocurrencies.
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Start date
December 14, 2023
End date
December 14, 2023
Language(s) of the training
Languages spoken by the coach(es)
English, German, Luxembourgish, French
Georges Kesseler
- History section: Greek, Masonic, Cesar, Vigénère, Enigma Cyphers
- Present section: Random Numbers, Public Key Infrastructure, Hashing, Keystore
The course will cover symmetric vs asymmetric algorithms, public keys, hashes, signatures, certificates and password management. The course is a playful adventure through the history of secret messaging of the last 2 millennia. There will be several practical exercises like group activities involving sending each other manually encrypted messages and trying to decrypt them.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, learners will be able to understand basic principles about encryption which are useful to know when interacting with today’s technology.
This course has a total duration of 3 hours and takes place over 1 day:
- 14-12-2023: 14:00 – 17:00
Format and Location
This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette
No prerequisites necessary
Additional Info
This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.
Esco Skills
ICT encryption, train security officers, ICT security standards, cyber security, manage system security
Esco Occupations
ICT security manager, ICT security consultant, chief ICT security officer, ICT system developer, ICT system architect, ICT system analyst, ICT system administrator, ICT network architect, ICT network engineer, ICT network administrator, ICT security administrator, ethical hacker