User Research – Summer 2023
64,00 €
Successful digital products and services need to be grounded in user research. This course covers basics and intermediate methods of user research.
Beyond covering a selection of relevant methods and concepts, the participants will work in teams to get hands-on experiences on doing user research.
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Start date
June 15, 2023
End date
June 28, 2023
Language(s) of the training
Languages spoken by the coach(es)
English, German, Luxembourgish, French
Björn Rohles
- Learners gain an in-depth understanding of user research methods, including collecting the data, analyzing the data, and converting it into requirements for design solutions.
- ESCO occupations: 2511.19 user experience analyst
Learning Outcomes
- performing user research to understand the context of use for digital products and services, with a variety of methods (e.g., interviewing, observing, diary studies)
- converting research findings into personas and journey maps grounded in empirical data
- translating user needs into requirements
- ESCO skills: execute user research activities, conduct qualitative research, use methodologies of UCD, conduct research interviews, use experience map, interact with users to gather requirements
This course has a total of 16 hours and takes place on three days:
- Day 1/3: 15.06.2023 09:00 – 13:00
- Day 2/3: 22.06.2023 09:00 – 18:00 (1 hour break)
- Day 3/3: 28.06.2023 09:00 – 13:00
Two of the sessions (15.06.2023 and 28.06.2023) are also part of the “Introduction to Human-Centered Design” module.
Format and Location
This course takes place ON-SITE
Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette
Knowledge about key concepts in user experience (UX) is required, such as knowing how to distinguish key terms like user experience, usability, accessibility, and human-centered design.
As a starter, we offer the module “Crash Course: Key Concepts in User Experience (UX)“.
Additional Info
The module is part of the learning track “User Experience (UX): Human-Centered Design, Research, and Management“.
This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.