Introduction to HTML and CSS, the core technologies for building web pages!


Have you ever wondered how pages are created? Would you like to learn how to create a web page? In this course, you will be learning how to create a static web page from scratch by using the main technologies of the web: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). HTML provides the structure of the page while CSS is responsible for the (visual) layout for a variety of devices.

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SKU: 6483 Category:

Start date

February 25, 2023

End date

March 18, 2023

Language(s) of the training


Languages spoken by the coach(es)

English, German, Luxembourgish, French




Learning Outcomes

Learners are able to:

  • Understand the principles of creating a web page
  • Plan out a website
  • Create a layout for a website including (Box-Model, CSS-Grid)
  • Add elements to a web page, including text, images, video and more
  • Style a web page using CSS
  • Make a website responsive to handle different devices (media queries)
  • Embed social media content into web pages


This training has a total of 16 hours and takes place over several weeks:

  • Day 1/4:   25.02.2023   08:30 – 12:30
  • Day 2/4:   04.03.2023   08:30 – 12:30
  • Day 3/4:   11.03.2023   08:30 – 12:30
  • Day 4/4:   18.03.2023   08:30 – 12:30

Format and Location

This course takes place ON-SITE

Terres Rouges building
14, porte de France
L-4360 Esch/Alzette




No prerequisites necessary

Additional Info


This training does not have any assessment or exams; a certificate of participation will be issued to participants.